
Boxing Confidence for Trainers now at Fitness First Carindale

Boxing Confidence for Trainers at Fitness First Carindale

Boxing Confidence for Trainers 1

We are proud to announce at that our ‘Boxing Confidence for Trainers’ course is now available at Fitness First Carindale.

This course is perfect for those looking for a fun and exciting way to keep in shape or just simply inspired to teach others the great sport of boxing and keep people healthy, fit and positive. Then why not partake in our approved boxing training at Fitness First Carindale.

Approved by Fitness Australia, it is a fun and easy way to gain CEC points and get active.

What to look for in our boxing training course:

  • Improvement of reflexes
  • Stimulation of the mind
  • Build muscle
  • Improved muscle groups such as calf, hamstring, back, arm and core muscles
  • Increased speed, reaction times, coordination, tone of muscles and;
  • confidence

We are currently offering the following CEC approved boxing courses:

Approved by Australia Fitness: Continual Education Credits (CEC 15 points)

Boxing Confidence for Trainer, Level 1: Beginner to Intermediate (CEC 8 points)

  • Where: Fitness First Carindale
  • When: Friday 4th September 9am – 5pm
  • Cost: $250, Early Bird before August 1st $199

Boxing Confidence for Trainer, Level 2: Advanced (CEC 7 points)

  • Where: Fitness First Carindale
  • When: Friday 2nd October 9am – 5pm
  • Cost: $250, Early Bird before September 11th $199

Boxing Confidence for Trainers 2

Improve your skill levels, as well as educate others about boxing in general. Learning the  proper boxing skills is fun and helps manage stress levels. You can even teach your family and friends!

Learn from the best  and only from the most highly trained professionals at Dundee’s Boxing and Fitness Gym or at the now available Fitness First Carindale.


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